Chapter 64: The Ninth Seal, Part 6

"Are you the Ninth Seal?"

I am a minor demon like you, long before they were given fancy titles and duties. Sacrificed to make a last protection against those who would destroy the world. If you are granted access to me, my Mistress has deemed you worthy and a queen is dead.

"King, actually. There's not been a queen for three generations."

A pity. I think queens better suited to leading countries. Are you to be the Ninth Seal? Do you want to be?

"I think I have no choice," Raffé said quietly. "And I am tired of playing your games. There are people waiting for me. Make me the Ninth Seal or kill me, but stop playing."

Are you so eager to rush into the arms of death, then, child-demon?

Raffé closed his eyes, not even remotely surprised that Waldemar had failed to mention being the Ninth Seal would mean dying. Of course it did. "Death?" he asked anyway.