When he finally was able to focus, he stared into a handsome, almost pretty face. A silver circlet set with a sapphire rested on the man's head, and Kristof realized he was gawking at the High Priest of the Temple of the Sacred Three. "Holiness"
"Shh," the High Priest said. "We need to get you home and purified to be certain demon rot has not set in. You do not seem to be severely wounded, but you are bleeding through your mail and we need to get it off." He stood and spoke to men Kristof could not see.
As he turned to thank his helpers, he saw the sour, sneering face of his fiancé. Looking around, he could see contempt and disappointment on many other faces. Bile churned in his stomach, scraped at his throat, but he fought it down. So he had revealed himself a coward so quickly. Maybe they would pick someone more suitable and allow him to return home.