Chapter 90: Blood Venom, Part 2

Not for the first time, Kristof wished he had someone to talk to. The closest he had to a friend was Ödön, and he was merely a comrade, not a confidant. Everyone took in his size, his armor, his family and assumed he was meant to be leaned on. It never seemed to occur to anyone that he might need someone to take his weight from time to time. Was it too much to want someone to lean on, someone who would listen to him vent and worry? Someone who cared about how he felt and what he wanted? Someone to reassure him he was not a coward and a failure?

Someone who might explain some of this damnable Prince stuff to him because Goddesses above he was tired of being told only just enough to make everything more complicated. Unfortunately, the only person at present who could tell him anything was probably trying to figure out how to throw him overboard without anyone the wiser.