Chapter 110: Hearts, Part 3

He would have to puzzle it out later. For the moment there were more pressing concerns. "We are not safe out in the open like this. I apologize for delaying us and leaving us vulnerable. Come, let us find shelter. Your companions are safely off toward the wreckage?"

"Yes, Highness."

Håkon waved a hand. "I think it will be safer to leave off the honorific. My name is Håkon. What might I call you, milady?"

"Erzsébet." She held out both her hands, and he gripped them in his, bowing slightly as she did the same. "An honor to make the acquaintance of—well, one of you." He could see her smile in the dark. "I wish my son were here. He would be running around in circles from too much excitement. He adores tales of you and your brethren."