Chapter 156: Morbid Serpents, Part 3

Telmé stood, grabbed the topmost slat, and tore it away. He grabbed the next and the next until the whole front of the crate was open. The little wolf pup inside backed up until it ran into the others in the crate, all of them fast asleep, likely drugged. Telmé wiped one of his hands clean as best he was able, bit into the meat of his palm enough to draw blood, then held it out.

The wolf gave a low, curious whine and slowly, on trembling feet, crept forward to sniff him. After a moment he gave a small yip and licked away the blood—then threw himself at Telmé, knocking him over. Telmé laughed. "Strong little thing, aren't you? Good, uh, boy. Let me check your companions." He set the wolf aside then crawled into the crate and examined the other four puppies.

Mercifully, they were all alive.