Chapter 23

"Highness, we've come to help," said Lia. "Lord Penli said to tell you that he can guess what you are going to do, and he will send letters to keep you apprised as often as he safely can. For now, I am going to trade places with you."

Shanna stared, bewildered.

"We brought food," said Gwyn. "Please, Highness, there isn't much time."

"Why would you help me? If my stepfather finds out…"

All three women scoffed and sneered. "No one minds the staff, not even him—except you, Highness. Your mother was queen, and you should be queen next. Nobody wants him in power longer than is unavoidable. Come now, time is running out."

Shanna nodded and ran off to get her things. Kari buried it all in a bundle of dirty laundry, and Gwyn managed to hide Shanna's sword beneath her skirts. Shanna changed clothes with Lia, burying her travel clothes in still more laundry. "Will you be all right?"