Chapter 40

The man who seemed to be a lord was of average height and thick, stocky build. The kind of frame that would get him called 'somewhat fat' in unkind tones in the palace, though back in Remnien that figure would be highly prized. There, it was the lanky ones like Penli who were sneered at. The man was pretty, with light brown skin, floppy brown curls and dark, kissable lips, lashes Penli envied, and deep set eyes that he wished he could see the color of.

Beside him was a slightly shorter man with red-toned, dark brown skin, and a head shaved smooth. There were white lines tattooed across the top, as well as along his cheeks, chin, and nose. Penli had seen such before, but beyond being told it was a practice of the southeastern region and marked family and the like, he didn't really know anything about the marks. He was handsome, eyes alert as he skimmed the room, hands at his sides in a way that said he was trying to relax but would be happier to have his weapons back.