Chapter 12

Laughing softly, Lynn turned around, shoving hair out of his eyes. He cupped Anderson's face and dropped a quick kiss on his cool, wet lips.

Anderson stared at him. "What was that for?"

"You're all right, Sparkleson. Let's get this over with." He fished out the ziplock in his dripping suit, retrieved his gun, and led the way down the narrow tunnel until it ended several yards later at a rather innocuous looking door, the kind always used for fire exits. Lynn pushed it open, gun ready, and flinched when he hit a wall of ice-cold air. It swirled around them like a mist as it met the warm air from the tunnel, made him shiver hard in his wet clothes. He looked around at the racks of shelves piled with containers of various shapes and sizes, boxes on the floor, meat of all types hanging from hooks. "It's a fucking freezer."