Chapter 41

Comber gave him a look, but bit back whatever he'd wanted to say when Belinda held up a hand to forestay him. She regarded Lynn pensively. "You already know what's going to happen?"

"You're going to send me home because I'm too close to whatever the fuck just went wrong on the Trident case," Lynn replied.

She nodded. "Yes. We cannot have a distressed kraken running around this case. I'm sorry."

"So you'll let me stay on when you need me to kill my brother, but my lover goes missing and suddenly I'm in timeout?" Lynn asked. "What sense does that make? I know how to handle myself, and I have a better chance of finding Anderson than anyone."

"There is no proof of that, and your brother was an extenuating circumstance. You're not going anywhere near this investigation."

Lynn turned away with a snarl, glared out the bank of floor-to-ceiling windows that formed the back wall.