Chapter 54

Anderson made a face. "And Martinez couldn't do anything with Annie because her going missing or getting dead was going to be noticed by you, and the whole can of worms would have blown up. But then they realized she was going to talk, panicked, and tried to kill her."

"And they ran into us," Stern finished.

"What the fuck did they have on Myer to blackmail him?"

Stern snorted. "What do they always have on people in suits, be they good, bad, or otherwise?"

Anderson made a face. It was always one of the three things: murder, sexual fetish, or affair. "I'm going to vote sexual fetish."

"Ding, ding, we have a winner. Drew won't admit to the particular fetish, but he did say that Martinez nailed him through a club they both frequent. That one on Jupiter Ave we're always visiting to talk to elusive clients."

"Even when threatened with arrest, gotta get their rocks off," Anderson said wryly. "And everyone calls me the slut."

Stern smiled. "Share the candy."