Chapter 46: Lady Eser, Part 1

"I would give Binhadi's entire fortune for a good bed and hot bath," Mahzan said with a groan as he reluctantly climbed back on his horse.

Binhadi snorted, his breath misting in the chilly air. "My fortune is at the bottom of the Great Lake, so I would not expect to buy more than the same mediocre service we've been getting all along. That being said, we should reach Eser's manor tonight if we keep traveling hard, and you'll get a bit of luxury there."

Mahzan heaved a long sigh. "When do we get to travel in leisure and luxury?"

"Never," Sule said. "Grow used to it, fool."

"Clearly I should have been more selective in my Oathbinding."

"You're not exactly my first pick either," Sule replied. "Get used to it, because thus far we have been traveling rather well. After we part ways with Lady Eser, there is only Shimoor Hollow and then no more civilization for weeks until we reach the Point."
