Chapter 72: Memories, Part 1

Mahzan moved his latest pile of stones one by one to form a small pyramid. His vision started to swim by the halfway point, but he would get it, Dragon damn the world.

He passed out before he'd finished another quarter.

When he woke, only a few minutes had passed, but he was soaked in sweat, parched, and ravenous. He rolled over to his stomach and pushed to his knees, grabbed the crumbling wall to his right, and pulled himself to his feet. He swayed a moment but stayed upright.

Heaving a sigh, he headed back across the overgrown remnants of a city long forgotten to where he'd set up camp. He kicked over the pathetic attempt at a pyramid as he passed it.

Other attempts at control littered his path through what remained of streets, from various attempts at stacking, to flat, artful arrangements, and places where he'd simply tried to fill in holes. All small stuff, things he should have been much better at—