The Day After

Day Before: I punched Ben? Why is he even fucking here? He didn't even know Willow. How did he get in? Whatever it doesn't matter, I knocked him out. I stormed out of the funeral home, what good is it going to do if I'm still there when he wakes up. This isn't usually me. I would never get that mad and bring attention to myself by doing so. What have I done? I felt one of my rings slip off my finger before I left. I'm not gonna awkwardly pick it up, it's fine there. 

Willow would slap me if she was alive for doing something so stupid. She'd say "Why would you do something like this? This can get us caught, you're being selfish. Think of others." She would then dramatically storm out of the apartment, coming back at least 1-2 hours later with hotpot. At least she came back with food, she wouldn't talk the rest of the night. The morning after she would wake me up for school at 7 am on the dot, she wouldn't need to take me because I can drive but she would be on my ass to make sure I put on a semi-matching outfit so I don't look stupid going to school.

I hear footsteps behind me, is this the end for me? If it is I have no regrets but one, Never living my life. The person walks in front of me, I recognized the shoes, their Ben's. What does he want now?

"Come to punch me back. Go ahead and do it, got nothing left for me." He backed away a bit. "Aiden I'm not here to punch your lights out, even if I desperately would love to but I can't hit a guy I like, unfortunately." HE LIKES ME!? I never got the vibe that he did. I can usually read the vibe on people and their views on me, but I can't read him, at all. It's strange to say the least."Well, that's surprising. Did I hear that you liked me, or did I hear something completely different?" Ben smiled. He smiles at me. "That is correct Ace, you also dropped your ring. Either on purpose or not, here ya go. Give me your hand. I could call you the male version of Cinderella but I don't know what that would be. Maybe just Cinder? It kind of fits you since you're so quiet." Ben smiles a bit at that and takes my hand and puts it on my ring finger. I wish he would put one on my left and give me his last name but, considering things right now, wouldn't be the smartest thing to do. You're jumping ahead of yourself Ace. 

Wait what am I thinking, I can't be playing this game right now. I almost got caught the other day by the cops. I can't risk it. I don't want anything holding me back from leaving the second I graduate, but what if this is different? The cops are off my ass for a bit. I mean what if this is different. It is different. Willow died in this town. Any other town she lived in and was lively, but not this one. It is different sadly...

Can I actually entertain the fact of a "boyfriend?" Would Willow care? I mean she is dead but, I still have rules to follow. I can follow them while having a boyfriend, but there are going to have to be limits on things I can do. I know I'm probably going to get attached seeing as this is probably (hoping, praying) going to be my first boyfriend. I might just be getting ahead of myself but fuck it. You are.

Willow always told me I get attached too quickly, even though I've never known someone long enough to get attached in that sort of way. We always left around the time people told me they had crushes on me and I always felt horrible. It's not my fault I had to leave. We had a schedule to follow. Stay in one town long enough but not too long for people to know our middle names. I know it sounds stupid but you don't automatically tell someone your full name. It's strange yes but that was the system we used on the daily/ yearly. We usually stayed around 9 1/2 months.

We always used the excuse of "there is a family trip we have to go on..." and so on, they would forget usually about 2-3 months afterward, so it worked out for us. Especially if we lived in a very away from the city, the country basically. They would give up looking after a few weeks because they would think we have either ran away or died already. It works fairly well unless we're in a highly-populated area, such as New York. Willow and I both knew better than to not go to highly populated places such as New York because we both knew how hard it would be to disappear off the grid.






Day After: I woke up the next day feeling groggy, so I got up and went to the kitchen. I swear if she drank the last monster I'm going to raise her from the dead and beat her ass. I reached in the fridge to see the last one with a note attached. That's weird, Willow would never do something like that unless she planned on dying the next day... Well, shit, she is dead, might as well read it.

"Hey Aiden, it's Willow. I know I said I would never do anything soppy but seeing as if I might be dead soon, or if you are already reading this, I'm already dead. Well to let you know, the cops are off your tail for a while, so you can lie low for a bit. Just don't draw attention and remember the rules. I know you hate the rules I can hear you sighing from the grave, but they are there for a reason. They have kept us safe for years. I figure I am already gone and dead since you are reading this but, never forget I love you okay. I might not have shown it while I was alive because, I was too focused on keeping us safe, fed, and healthy, but I've always loved you Aiden never forget that. Stay safe Bud. Love- Willow."

I haven't cried in years but that letter, damn it made me tear up, I continue about my day as a normal person would. In this family or just me in this case, emotions can drag you down. So you feel them for maybe a day or two, then you drop them. You can get attached to them, which can hold you down from running because you are worried about someone or something else and making sure they are alright. Feelings or emotions can keep you stuck in one place for way too long, and that's not good for me because I have to keep going. No matter what. Drop everything and leave. It's why I've never really made "friends" in school, they aren't important, because they will all leave and go their separate ways after high school, so I never saw the point in them. Plus Willow never let me have any because she also knew the danger of having so-called friends. It binds us to a place, and we couldn't ever let that happen.

I have never been fond of emotions, but today, I think Willow would let me feel the sadness for a little bit. I'm not gonna cry but, I will take off school for a couple of days because I don't feel like hearing the "I'm sorry for your loss" bullshit all over again. It happened a few days after word got out that mother and father were dead. It gets tiring hearing it often. I think where I got my "stare" from, staring them down so they would leave me alone. Maybe it will come in handy when I go back to prison, whoops I mean school.

I personally could give less than a fuck about school but it was important to Willow that I graduate and get out of this state as fast as I could so I have to stay, I promised her that. I will graduate then probably move to Europe. Willow and I have always wanted to go, she said it is beautiful up there. She even wrote out a road map we would take to get there from here. She really thought of everything. Even if everything involved us stealing from grocery stores, or robbing gas stations to feed and provide for ourselves. She always had a plan, and we were always prepared no matter what. Now that I'm all alone, it's really time to show off what she has taught me these past couple of years, and make her proud. Wherever she is.