
"I think I'm starting to fall for you." I looked at him confused, not quite sure if I was imagining if he actually said that or not. "I'm sorry Benjamin, can you restate that? I'm not quite sure I heard that right." He bunches his eyebrows together, his signature look. "Aiden I'm not going to repeat myself; I know damn well you heard me." He walks towards me and pins my hands to the wall, hot.

"Aiden, I think I'm starting to fall for you." Ben starts to kiss down Aiden's neck, creating hickeys from his jaw all the way down his neck. "Ben you know I can't handle it when you do that." "I know, that's exactly why I'm doing it." "Ben I can't give you what you want I hope you know that, I'm sorry." Benjamin then pulls the boy in for a tight hug, whispering in his ear as if they were the only 2 people on the planet. "I know Aiden, I wasn't expecting anything. I would never force you to do things you weren't comfortable with, you know that right?" He wasn't fully trusting of the things he told him, based solely on the fact his ex has told him that same statement and decided to push past his limits completely.

"Ben do you mind if we just lay down for a bit I'm really tired, I apologize." He puts the boy's arms down and takes Aiden to his room. It's covered in all these posters of different movies, some looking like they came straight out of a theatre. "Welcome to my lovely abode, it is quite messy so ignore that part." Also on the walls are hundreds of post-it notes with different sayings, song lyrics, and things written in different languages... I never noticed he had said an acquired taste in movies never mind the fact he has my favorite movie of all time on the wall, The Outsiders. Also my comfort movie. I hope I haven't been such a bother to him. Let's just hope he doesn't think that because for anybody this is the closest I have ever let anyone get to me without punching them directly in the face. I never trust anyone to get as close as I am letting Ben in. I could actually let him in and he not be scared of me because he has probably done much worse than me. 

Another thing I noticed was that some of the posters were in really odd places, covering up holes in the wall I see? From his hands or objects being thrown? "Hey Ben, can I ask you a question?" He looked concerned for a split second, was that worry I saw in his eyes? "Yeah, Aiden what's up?" He almost looks like he just got in trouble or I am about to hit him because of something, which is something I would never do. It is like he is thinking of every way to get out of this situation, hell I would be scared too if someone asked me this out of nowhere, where here goes. "Do you think you could see yourself in a relationship with me, or am I just imagining things? Because I don't want to just be another one of your boy toys." Well, there goes, I just hope he doesn't think I am crazy for asking such a thing. "Well, Aiden if I am being completely honest then yes I do. It may not be the perfect relationship you may want or need. I have been hurt a lot in my past relationships so it is going to take effort on both sides for this to even work. I am willing to try though if that is what you want." I nod in response not completely sure what to say, I should tell him that I have bever been in a relationship due to how much I have moved so he doesn't expect much. "Ben I do have to be honest about some things. I have never been in a relationship, like a serious one anyway. I mean yes I have had flings here and there but never an actual boyfriend to like give gifts to each other and stuff. So I may need a little help in the relationship department, I will try and be the person you want and need, but I will tell you now to not expect much, but I am willing to try this out. Now come over here and cuddle me it's cold as hell in this house." He laughs the last statement off, but yes I am being serious it is cold as hell in this house. Ben picked me up like I was a feather, I'm not that light. I'm built quite well, muscles in the right places, tan skin, quite a dream. Wrong, I'm thin, I barely eat. Ben doesn't know this but I have a stash of weed on me for when he goes to sleep, if my sister ever taught me anything it would be that weed is much easier to smoke when you're stressed and need to relax. Weed to me is like taking a regular pain med but much more illegal and fun to do. He took me over to this big king-sized bed with a bigger blanket than me, he slams me down on the bed not hard, and just lays on top of me, he weighs a ton. "Hey, Ben I mean this in the most respectful way possible but you are making it hard to breathe man." He laughs it off and gets off me, he really isn't all that heavy until he lays all of his weight on you, I swear this man is like 95 percent muscle and has like 0 body fat. He lays beside me and starts playing what my hair, if he continues I will start to fall asleep, I mean I am not scared to sleep around him, maybe a bit. I'm not fully trusting of him yet, I just don't want him going through my things and seeing the drugs in my backpack, that would definitely either a. gross him out b. make him question where I got them (which would be bad for both of us the drugs from one of his friends at school that is a dealer. I guess he doesn't know they are.) I guess in a way I don't want to scare him away just yet, even if it is just drugs, it may not be "just drugs" to him, do you know what I mean. He is kind of weird around drugs and just violence in general, I mean yeah I have seen him beat the absolute shit out of someone just out of pure anger but, he doesn't just do violent shit for no reason.

We never truly talked while we were in school, we always had our own "friend groups'' we stayed in, my friend group is staying by myself so I don't attach myself to people, which again makes it easier to leave when you have 0 attachments to people or objects in that town or place.

"Hey Aiden, do you know why I like you?" I don't truly lets play along and see why I guess. "No, why do you like me Ben." He looks at me and kisses my head, "Well let's see, for starters you are a loner, you're like the lone wolf stereotype. You don't let what people say about you bother you at all, someone could talk shit about you to your face and you wouldn't give a single fuck. It takes a lot of training to do that, hell even I can't and no one in the school has the balls to do that shit in front of my face. Two, you are unbelievably hot enough you may not see it, you are hot in your Aiden ways. You look good in a loner vampire way ya know. Three, you caught my eye immediately. None of my other "relationships," I wouldn't even call them that, more like "2 week flings," anyways besides that, you actually caught my attention. The others I just found hot I was bored so I figured "why not mess with them for a bit and see what happens." With you I didn't think that at all, I actually care about what you have to say, even though you don't talk much, you do a hell of a lot of nodding in response to almost anything a teacher or other students in our grade when they ask you questions or in general, try and talk to you. It's like you could care less about what they say, and you are more focused on what is playing on your headphones than whatever they have to say to you. And going off of what I just said I have reason number four, your music. You always have something playing in your headphones no matter if it's pop, rock, metal, indie, etc. I also noticed you listen to music more when people are trying to talk to you or you put your headphones on whenever you notice someone trying to approach you, Aiden you have done it to me before. It's honestly so cool and hot and just ughhhhhh, you're fucking amazing I hope you know that."