
A teenager, a very large teenager none the less, sat on a table eating his break fast and drinking a protein drink, as this was one of his most important days in his life in his eyes. He knew that this was scrimmage, as it was the day that the coach decided who to cut on his team, and who it was that he should keep.

That was not what he was afraid of how ever, as it was some thing altogether completely different that brought fear in to his head, which was some thing that he did not like to show to any one that he was around. It was some thing that his father had always taught him not to do if you were around any one else, and the kid, right at this very moment also had his father at the table, as his father had his eyes squinted at his son.

He knew that it was getting in to the head of the kid at the same time too, which was exactly what the father had wanted to do in the first place, as he was trying to test his son, and try to make sure that he was strong, and that he was tough, just like it was that he had raised his son to be in the first place any ways.

You could feel bad for the kid, but at the same time too, a lot of it was his own fault as well, as his father had not been like that when he was younger, but as soon as he noticed that his son was strong, and that his son was an athlete, his father knew that was when he could take advantage of the kid, and use the kid to his own benefits none the less as well.

The father had quite a bit of a messed up mind set, but he had always been that way, as it was a lot of the reason that it had driven the kids mother out of the house, which also made it to why the kid was where he was at today. The kids only focus at this point, was to be a star athlete, but unfortunately enough for him, there was one person that was getting in his way at school.

The kid that was doing so was not an ass hole, nor was he a bully by any means, but the kid that was sitting at the table right now hated the other guy, due to that fact, as he knew that the other kid got all of the spot light. He knew that all of the scouts eyes at the scrimmage later today, were all going to be on the other kid, and he would not get any sort of recognition.

If it was not for that kid, than Chauncey, the one that was at the table at this very moment in time, felt like he would be the star player on their high school team that all of the scouts would come to see, as he would be the one that would get all of the recognition at the exact same time though too. It was now coming up on his Junior year, and he was a team captain on the defensive side of the ball, but he did not even have a single star as an athlete.

He knew that if he even got a chance to do some thing at a higher level, than he would simply be a walk on, and he would get no playing time, nor would he have a chance to do any thing either none the less. Chauncey was very angry at it too, and he had asked his father if he could switch schools, but sadly enough, all of the other schools in the area did not want him due to his bad grades, and also the fact that they were full as it was.

His father did not have nearly enough money to put him in a private school either, and the kid did not want to be in a private school either, as he knew that they would not have a football team. It had always been his dream, ever since he was a young kid, to be a star player on a football team, as he used to play Madden non stop when he was younger, until he could get on an actual field, and he was able to lift weights.

Chauncey was not only upset and angry about the kid taking all of the spot light from him, but he was also hurt by it, as it seemed like all of his dreams were fizzling away in quite a slow process as well. He knew that he would never get any spot light if that kid was on his team with him.

The kid let out a bit of a sigh, as he stared down at the table for just a little bit longer, and he crushed the protein drink that he had just been drinking, as he was very angry, and he was doing his best to not take it out on his father, as he knew as to what it was that his father would do if his son was to get angry with him in the first place, as it had happened time and time again in the past.

The Chauncey wanted to cry, but he did his best to stay strong, and keep his head up high, just like his father had told him to do, as he told him, 'I didn't raise my son to be a pussy now did I?!' He would always say to Chauncey. It got in to the head of Chauncey at the same time too, as it felt like he already had enough going on up there any ways, but that only seemed to make it be ever worse for him.

The father of Chauncey noticed that his son was angry, as he tilted his head a little bit, wondering just what it was that his son might be angry at in the first place. He did not know all too much about his son Chauncey as he had told him to not tell him any that was going on with him, as he did not want to hear any more 'pussy shit', or he would get his ass beat again.

He was fairly interested in what it was that his son was thinking on at this very moment in time, as he knew that this was an important day for him, as he had skipped off work just for this, just like he usually did when he wanted to go and see his son's games. It might seem like he was a good father, but that was not the case at all how ever, as he was simply using Chauncey for his own benefits, due to the fact that he could see that this son had talent.

The father squinted his eyes at his son, as Chauncey could see him do it from the corner of his eyes, though he did his best to try to ignore it how ever, as if nothing was going on at all. Chauncey's father eventually gave up on his son how ever, as he knew exactly what it was that his son was thinking of at this very moment in time, as he kept his eyes squinted on his son, as he was not all too happy with him at this very moment in time none the less.

He knew that he was thinking of that kid that was trying to ruin his career that he had in store for him. For once he did in fact feel a bit of some sort of pity for his son, though that did not last all that long, as it then began to turn in to a fit of anger, as he hit his hand on the table, to get his point across to Chauncey, and to also get his attention on him, as he then began to speak up to his son. Now that Chauncey had his eyes on his father, he let out a bit of a soft sigh to him self at the same time as well, as he then began to listen as to what it was that his father had to say to him in the first place any ways.

"You've got scrimmage in a little bit! The scouts will be having their eyes on you! Wake up son! I know you got plenty of sleep last night, God damn it!" He said to his son, as he looked at his son quite a bit angrily at the exact same time as well, as he was not all too sure as to what it was that was going on with him at this very moment in time, as he knew that it did not make him too happy at all, that was for sure.

Chauncey winced a little bit, due to the fact that his father had smashed his hand on the table, as he was not all too sure as to what it was that he should do, or what it was that he should say in response to his father in the first place. He just kept his head dipped a little bit low to the ground, as he could not keep his eyes locked with his father, as he was in a little bit too much pain at this very moment in time.

If he was not going to lie to him self, Chauncey was kind of having thoughts of just quitting football altogether at this point, and just get him self focused on the fact that he had school ahead of him, and he knew that it was going to be a long year ahead of him too, as he had to make up for a bunch of classes that he had failed last year. He honestly was a bit surprised that the coach had not kicked him off the team at this point, and he was in fact about to get fired after the poor season that they had last year.

This season was going to be different how ever, and he knew it. He knew that he needed to be excited for it, even if he did in fact have his thoughts focused on Grant at this very moment in time, and on the fact that he was worried that the kid was going to ruin his career. He did his best to lift his head up, as he then stared his father right in to his eyes, doing his best to stay strong for his father at the same time too.

His father had his eyes squinted at his son still, but as soon as he had seen his son lift his head up to him, he then felt a lot safer at that point, as he was fairly certain that things were going to end up being okay, and that his son was going to make it out of there alright. He let out a little bit of a sigh of relief all at once, as he leaned back on his chair at the table at the exact same time as well.

Chauncey felt a lot stronger now all of the sudden, as it felt like he had a new sort of energy that had all of the sudden managed to take over him all at once. Maybe that was the protein drink kicking on for him, as he was fairly certain that this was going to be a good day for him at the exact same time too. Though Chauncey still could not help but to be a little bit worried about all of this none the less, as he gulped just a little bit.

Chauncey really did not want to admit it to his father, but he felt like he did not have all too much of a choice how ever, as he knew that there was no one else that he could vent him self to, besides his father. Chauncey let out a bit of a soft sigh to him self all at once, as he then nodded to his father at the exact same time too, to let his father know that he was about to speak up to him.

His father looked at him for just a bit of some time, as he tilted his head a little bit, whilst keeping his eyes squinted at his son, but in the end, he did in fact nod back to him, to let him know that he was listening as to what it was that he was about to say, though he was fairly certain that he already knew as to what it was that his son was about to say to him in the first place. Chauncey on the other hand was not all too sure, but he did in fact begin to speak to his father any ways, as his father then began to listen as to what it was that his son had to say in the first place.

"I just... I feel like all of the eyes on the scouts are going to be on Grant, and not on me..." Chauncey said back to his father, as once again, it was not a surprise at all to his father, as he had seen that coming from a mile away, even if he really was not all that much of a smart guy. His father kept his eyes squinted at his son, as it was getting in to the head of Chauncey.

That was what his father had wanted how ever, as he wanted to test his son to his utmost strengths, that way he could get his son stronger. His son was already strong as it was physically, as he was 16, and he was already up to 6 feet, and he was over 200 pounds of pure muscle as well, due to the fact that his father always took him to the gym just about every day, just to make sure that his son got stronger and stronger.

It was working too, though he knew that his son was still a bit weak mentally, as if he thought that he would lose in a fight with a meer mouse. It kind of annoyed the father, but at the same time too, he also knew that it was some thing that the both of them still had to work on, as he had been trying to get his son stronger and stronger in that part of his game for quite a bit of some time too.

How ever, every time it seemed to come to Grant, it seemed to stop Chauncey right in his path, as his father knew that was the only problem left with the game of Chauncey. If only that kid was not in the way of his son, that his son could go miles upon miles ahead of the rest of the game. But sadly, that was not the case at all, as he too was worried that his son would always be weighed down by the fact that that Grant would always be listed as above him.

It annoyed his father nearly to death if he was not going to lie to him self, as he really felt like some thing needed to be done about that kid. He did not want to kill the kid at all, as the father did not even have a gun for that matter, as he had always been against those types of weapons. There was some thing that Chauncey had to do to the kid how ever, but the father was just not all too sure as to what it was that it could be just yet.

The father this time dipped his head down low to the ground, as it was clear that he was trying to give his small brain some time to think to its self, as he gulped just a little bit. This kid really was going to be the down fall of his son and his path to stardom. He had to do some thing about it... That was when it all of the sudden seemed to click in to the head of the father of Chauncey all at once, as he lifted his head up to his son, with quite an excited look on his face at the exact same time too.

Chauncey was a little bit lost as to what it was that was going on with his father, as it was rare to ever see his father happy, but he nodded to his father as he waited for him to speak. Chaunceys father was a little bit lost in his head for just a bit more time, but as soon as he had seen his son nod to him, that was when he all of the sudden remembered just what it was that was even going on in the quiet room of the kitchen in the first place.

Chauncey's father nodded right back to his son, as he then got a little bit up close to his son, as if he was worried that other people might hear as to what it was that he had to say to him in the first place, even though he knew damn well that they were the only ones in this little apartment right now. Chauncey was a little bit lost, but as soon as his father did in fact begin to speak to him, Chauncey did listen as to what it was that his father had to say to him any ways.

"You know what you do when you have competition son?" He said to Chauncey at first, as it was clear that it had confused the kid quite a bit, as he tilted his head, interested in what it was that his father was about to say to him any ways. His father had his eyes on his son, as it was clear that he was making sure that his son was listening to every word that he was saying to him in the first place. Chauncey was a little bit lost for quite some time, but when he all of the sudden realized as to just what it was that his father was doing at this very moment in time, he did in fact nod back to his father, to let him know that he was listening as to what it was that his father had to say to him in the first place any ways. The father seemed to be a bit happy with it as well, as he once again cracked a bit of a smile, as he then continued to speak to him, as Chauncey listened to what it was that his father had to say to him. "I am not saying kill the kid, but if you're on top of the bull, you gotta ride the bull til he can't take it no more, and then once you've done that, you tear off it's horns..."

Chauncey was a little bit lost as to what it was that his father was getting at, at this very moment in time, if he was not going to lie to him self, as it seemed like his father was making up some more idiotic quotes that he thought would sound cool, and that his father hoped he would tell the press about when he was a bit bigger, and blown up a bit. Chauncey rolled his eyes at his father at first, as he really did not understand what it was that he had meant by it.

That was when it all of the sudden hit him all at once, just as to what it was that his father had meant by it. His eyes went quite a bit wide, as he was a bit afraid as to what it was that his father had said. He dipped his head a bit low to the ground all at once all of the sudden, as he felt like he needed a bit of some time to think on what it was that his father had just said to him.

He wasn't going to kill Grant was he though? That was all that he felt like he could think about. No... He did in fact have a good idea... He did need to take out the kid completely, but there was some thing that he could do, to get some attention off of Grant for a bit of some time, that might stir the attention over to him. Chauncey smiled a little bit to him self, as he then lifted his head up to his father all at once, and he then all of the sudden spoke to him.

"You're right dad..."