Waking Up Late Lets Chicken Peck Your Fortune (End)

Basil, together with the father and daughter duo were having a breakfast. The table was silent, unlike the dinner on the night before.

However, it wasn't tense nor awkward. No, it was awkward for Clarissa at least. Danzel looked at the two youngsters eating and quirked an eyebrow.

"Couple quarrel?"


The answer was instantaneous. Basil merely ate his breakfast silently. Unlike last night, he was eating quickly but graciously. He could feel all the taste clearer with his stimulated taste buds. It was awesome!

"Woah, woah.. chill out, Girl. I'm just joking."

"I-I-I am c-c-chill!"


Danzel looked at her in a deadpanned manner. Seemingly aware of his gaze, she sat back and hunched her back in the seat while holding her head as if to hide herself from the embarrassment.