An Egg Needs To Be Incubated To Hatch (3)

Ten people were standing outside the renovated, no, the reborn Familia Inn. While Basil was nodding his head in appreciation, Danzel and Clarissa were gaping at the building. It had been merely five days, yet the building had been completely renovated.

The two people gazed at the seven workers in amazement. They had managed to turn the previously two storey building to three story building. Not only that, the building was also exuding grandeur. Even the passersby were awed.

"Thank you for your hardwork."

"Haha! It's the least we could do to repay your kindness."

The representative of the seven workers answered amiably. They had become a worker ever since they got their Core shattered. However, they had never been entrusted with a project as big as renovating a big building.

As they were quite new and not well-known, the amount of trust people gave them was small. They felt like being blessed by the heavens when Basil had come to them and asked them to renovate a building.