Eyes Are The Window Of The Soul (2)

Basil let go of Ansley's hand and turned his head toward Blake to call the match end. Ansley was still looking at Basil as if he couldn't tear his eyes away from him. He was contemplating Basil's words.

He got what Basil intended to say. However, to blatantly spat it in front of his face was rather daring. Still, he liked daring men like Basil — not in the wrong way.

"The match is ended! Winner, Basil Cobham of Stardust Academy!"

Two of the dueller turned at Blake in slight annoyance. In Basil's case, he didn't like the last name Blake had attached behind his name.

As for Ansley, he was annoyed that Blake glorified his Academy in every chance he could see. Still, none of them showed it on their face.

Chester, Shirley, and Julia moved their feet from the audience seat toward Basil. Unsurprisingly, Chester arrived first. He quickly exclaimed at Basil with bright voice.

"That was a good match! I didn't mean to doubt you, but I thought you wouldn't make it."