Eyes Are The Window Of The Soul (5)

"These girls are thirsty!"


"Didn't you see their reaction before? That signified thirstiness!"


"Ckckck. So young yet so thirsty. What a perfect way to describe human."


"Why are you silent, Darling?"

'Because, I don't want to join the stupidly stupid conversation,' was left unsaid. He couldn't risk it. Vagus was the same as Pandora Box. You will be so eager to open, yet when it opens, dooms await you.

Basil wanted to respond her, however he knew more than anyone not to. Vagus would never stop, and she would bother him in his sleep. She had once dragged him to his Mindscape, just because she couldn't fell asleep.

However, souls don't sleep!

If it were to be anyone, they would surely be ecstatic to accompany a literal beautiful soul like Vagus. Yes, Basil admitted she was beautiful.

Unfortunately, he wasn't just anyone. He didn't care she was beautiful or not, he didn't like being interrupted while doing his things.