Endings Are Chosen (2)


Everyone's attention turned to the referee who had cleared his throat. He didn't mean to be a party popper. However, the tournament was still ongoing, and he had a job to do.

"I hope we can postpone this matter, untill the tournament is over."

"Very well," Lawson nodded his head. Throwing his gaze at Basil, he said, "I remind you once again that you do not need to compete anymore, for your position as the winner is guaranteed. Therefore, don't push yourself."

"Fufufu. I'm sure this boy will be fine. Just look at his face!"

Basil nodded his head lightly, before dodging Iliana's hand that was coming at his shoulder. In result, Iliana's hand hit the air. She quickly developed a frown on her face, and looked at Basil with eyes which were saying, "Why did you dodge?"