Wounds May Heal, But The Scars Remain (2)


A strong gust of wind was sent at Nicholas, and the fire covering his body was nearly blown away. He clicked his tongue, before sending a fireball at Basil. Being the agile Mage he was, Basil dodged the fireball easily.


The fireball hit the Magic Barrier behind him, and it actually trembled under the force. Still, Basil was unperturbed. He arced Kusanagi, and a wind blade flew at Nicholas.

Watching the incoming blade coldly, Nicholas shot a concentrated fireball at Basil. "Hmph! Don't you know air is flam—!" Nicholas was forced to dodge the incoming wind blade.


The place where he had been standing developed a deep trench due to Basil's attack.

He looked at Basil in bewilderment.

"Why the hell my fireball is cut through?!"

"Idiot. Air is flammable for sure. However, a high pressure one is a different story."