Withdrawal (End)

Basil was heading toward the array carved on one of the stone poles in the room. There was a lever there, but ke knew more than anyone it wasn't a lever. It was a sealing sword.

The Kinslayer was rapidly closing in, and it wouldn't take long until he caught up to Basil. Luckily, Basil had the others to aid him.

"[Matter Augmentation]!"


Thompson's sword was rapidly elongating. It split the air, heading toward the Kinslayer, blocking his way to Basil. However, the Kinslayer punched through it, and it was broken into pieces.


Surely, the other didn't have any plan to stay idle. Cray was already closing in, and Whitney had shot a gigantic earthen ball toward the Kinslayer. Although it couldn't hurt him, it definitely stopped him in his track.


The earthen ball was broken to pieces. Then, Cray quickly appeared amidst the scattering pieces of earth.

"Killing Art: [Head Chopper]!"