Indicator (3)

The old man was looking at Basil with widened eyes. He was so shocked, he forgot how to move.

Basil stayed in his sitting position—lotus position—but he was no longer conscious. He sat uprightly, but one could tell he wasn't there.

His eyes were wide opened, and they were shining in white light like a flashlight. His entire existence was exuding a gentle yet profoundly oppressive aura.

In the middle of his forehead, there was a points of compass like symbol shining in blue light; the old man's eyes were planted on this strange symbol. He couldn't stop his mouth from gaping in disbelief.

Of course, it didn't take long. He had lived long enough to know how to handle a shocking event. Upon regaining his composure back, the old man's eyes lit up in excitement.

"A Pacifer! He is a Pacifer! They are still alive!" The old man laughed heartily. "Our Lord's most fateful servants are still alive." His eyes watered. "We haven't lost yet!"