The True Beginning (12)

Three hours had passed since Basil started fighting the horde alone, but Caesar hadn't finished the Barrier yet. Despite so, Basil didn't frown or complaint.

In truth, the Barrier had been finished half an hour ago. However, seeing that Basil held his ground well, Caesar had asked Basil whether he could be given some more time, so he could build a stronger Magic Barrier.

Basil's answer to it had been yes.

Due to that, Basil had been fighting ceaselessly for three hours. His stamina was already trained enough by his Ceaseless Battle with Caesar that lasted for three days straight before stopping to eat.

However, the amount of enemies were too much for him to fight leisurely. There were already many kinds of Demons arriving, and they were all troublesome to deal with.

Nightcrawlers, for example. They are a Lower Middle Class Demon that had a body of a 1 meter wide and 7 meters long worm, with sharp blades around its skin.