Wake Up Call (6)

Whenever one heard someone mentioned "Four Great Gods," one would immediately think of the Church—the association that managed the worshipers of the Four Great Gods in the entirety of Human Empire.

Of course, that also means one would think about anything related to it: faith, devotion, Miracle, Priest, Paladin, and surely the Great Pontiff. One became a firm believer of the Four Great Gods due to the Miracle displayed by the people of the Church.

They believed in the miraculous power the Four Great Gods had bestowed upon the member of the Church, and they, too, wanted to be "blessed" by the Four Great Gods. Of course, there were still some people who became a firm believer due to the teaching.

Miracle: a term that was used by the Church to call the type of energy their members used to achieve feat that defied the law of Magic—regeneration acceleration. It sounds obnoxious, but no one complained about the way they named the type of the energy they used.