Different Scenario (3)

"That was impressive." Iliana walked toward Basil.

Although they were 20 meters apart, they could still hear Iliana just fine, so everyone was awaken from their daze by her exclamation. Upon waking up from their daze, Whitney and Cray quickly approached Basil.

The group of Mercenaries looked at each other for a while, before deciding to follow the two students. Of course, they were smart enough to not intrude the students' private zone; they kept their distance.

"That was awesome, Basil!" Cray exclaimed. "I can't believe you can cut this giant in half." He pointed to the lifeless Minotaur Warrior behind them.

"Yeah, I can't believe you have reached such height in Knight Principle," Whitney added.

Basil's response to this was, "There is nothing to admire about it."