Different Scenario (13)

Darius didn't assign them to any specific place; he had just merely told them to investigate the southern part of Raneil Barony. Therefore, Basil asked Iliana where they should head to before departing.

"Well, you're familiar with this place—I am not. Why don't you just take us to wherever you want? We'll follow," was Iliana's simple answer. She even gave a shrug to show that she really didn't care.

Looking at the nonchalant Iliana, Basil lightly frowned. "I will only be the Pathfinder, not the leader. I hope you keep that in mind."

"I know, sweetheart. Don't worry." Iliana smiled pleasantly.

While the others had heard of the rumour about the two's relationship, seeing it firsthand was a little bit bewildering for them. They had never seen Iliana could speak that sweet.