How It Feels To Be The Loser (13)

Vyres Forest.

Due to the varieties of rare Magical Herbs it contained, the access to Vyres Forest was highly limited. Though "limited access" was only used amongst the members of Philosopher, it was not very far from it in practice.

Due to the law made by the Kingdom, any area inside Braxtein Kingdom wouldn't belong to anyone, which made monopolizing said area or exploiting said area for one's profit was forbidden, before one received an official permission to gain said area from the King.

That means, Philosopher, as the biggest Alchemist Association in Braxtein Kingdom, didn't have any right to utilize Vyres Forest solely for their own profit, even if it was done to help the Kingdom.

They didn't hold ownership over it, nor would they get it someday per the law set by the Kingdom stating that no one could ever hold an ownership over a forest.