How It Feels To Be The Loser (15)


Deacon opened his mouth widely, and channeled Mana to his mouth. As he was using Wind Magic, air gathered in his mouth, forming a sphere of high pressured air.

Once he couldn't increase the pressure of the wind sphere any longer—the moment he couldn't hold the wind sphere anymore—he sent it to the Demons in front of him.


The three Middle Class Demons who had been charging at him were blown away by the wind explosion that was so powerful, it carved a meter deep crater on the ground.

The body parts of the blown away Demons scattered around messily, further enraging the rest of the Middle Class Demons. More Demons were coming at Deacon, successfully irking him, but he could do nothing other than facing them.

He had to do that, so Basil could execute his plan successfully. He didn't know what Basil was actually planning, but aiding his Master unquestionably wasn't something out of the ordinary.