How It Feels To Be The Loser (17)

[Mountain Piercer]!

Basil threw his shining spear at the stunned Hog Orc. It split the air like a lightning, and it easily pierced the armor that was protecting the Demon's chest.


An explosion of dense dark green colored Qi covered Basil and the Demon like a dome. Although it wasn't as strong as [Synchronization], the shockwave it produced was enough to knock the Low Class Demons that were away from it off their feet.

Upon seeing that display, the Mages, who didn't know that Basil also practiced the Knight Principle, were made aware of this fact. On the other other hand, the Knights were simply pondering about how ridiculous the scene they were witnessing.

'Just how much Qi can he contain inside his Core?!' They even ignored the fact that Basil had advanced to Green Core Stage in such a short time.