How It Feels To Be The Loser (19)

Caleb catiously looked at the man lying on the ground, who was now facing his way and slowly opening his eyes. He frowned under his helmet as he felt something wrong with the man.

Although he could clearly feel the man was, in fact, a civilian, there was something about the man that made him worry.

'The eyes—those are not the eyes of someone who has lost their everything. Those are the eyes of someone who has seen too much death.'

He was aware that as the sole survivor, to have those eyes are normal but there was something different about the eyes of the man. 'It seems to me that he didn't just watch it; he did it himself.'

While Caleb was pondering over the man's "authenticity," the man showed the people a relieved and grateful smile, then extended his hand at them. "Please... H-Help me. My" Everyone could see that lifting a hand was a labour to him.