Moving Forward

While Basil was clashing against the Paladins in Baron Raneil's secret underground bunker, Iliana and the civilians she led were facing their first crisis after running through the tunnel of Death Howl Dungeon for more than half an hour.

"Esteemed Mage, can we rest a little bit? Everyone is already at their limit."

"Mage Lady, please give us some time to rest."

"Benevolent Mage, pardon us for our weakness."

Civilians naturally had a weaker body compared to Battle Mages whether they were physically trained or not. Therefore, it was normal for the civilians to feel tired after running for more than half an hour, no matter how slow Iliana was actually leading them.

Iliana was aware of this fact, but, of course, she didn't like hearing the people whining. They had actually requested the same thing for the last 10 minutes, but Iliana had kept ignoring them.