Moving Forward (13)

Mages and Knights alike looked at the cell with Cray in it silently. Possibilities of what had happened inside ran through their head as they grew suspicious towards Cray.

They didn't only consider the possibility of Cray being the Demon himself however, they also considered the possibility that Cray had killed the impersonating Demon after it had killed the civilians inside.

Luckily however, Whitney could attest that Cray was not a Demon as he had been in the same cell with Cray before. Iliana had also said herself, the Demon was only one.

Furthermore, Cray was just as confused and bewildered as the others, so it even proved his innocence. Of course, since they had been done twice by the Demon, they couldn't just immediately believe it.

"Should I cut him?" Steven asked tensely.

"Hold on, Steve." Thompson put his hand in front of Steven. "He is innocent."

"Monsters can act. We shouldn't—"

"He's human—I can guarantee."