Earlier (2)

liana hugged Basil as if she was trying to crush him with her hug. Although she had a considerably sturdy physique compared to the other Battle Mages of her age, her strength was still not enough to give Basil a hug that could crush him.

Of course, she also didn't have any intention to hurt Basil since the very beginning. She was mad and disappointed at him, but she couldn't bring herself to hurt him—she hugged him strongly to show her care while making it clear that she was mad.

Basil merely patted her back as if he didn't understand that she was mad, then looked at the cave in front of him silently. Moving his left hand to the hilt of the Sealing Sword that was stabbed into the ground, he activated the Runes Carved on it.


The ground faintly shook, surprising everyone on the spot. Their gaze was immediately planted on the cave the moment they saw it was slowly submerging to the ground.