
As Basil felt his consciousness was sucked into the ring, he lost his control over his body. The feeling was different from the one that he felt whenever he connected himself with the Fragment however, since he completely lost his control this time.

His vision turned darker in each passing second, until he eventually saw nothing but darkness. He soon regained his vision in the next moment, but what he saw wasn't the scenery of the Temporary Dimension he had been in.

"This place... It feels similar to my Mindscape."

He knew however this wasn't his Mindscape, so he wondered who the owner of the Mindscape was while looking around. Compared to his Mindscape, the place looked very plain as it was only consisted of an endless fertile land and a blue sky.

The wind was comforting, however he couldn't believe anyone would be able to stay in this kind of place for a long time. It was simply too plain; anyone would easily get bored seeing it.