Joining The Fray


"There are Monsters here!"

Deacon, as a Magic Beast, was very uncomfortable with the aura full of malice overwhelming the air. Although technically the library was free from any of its influence, his strong senses could still detect it.

He, like Iliana, didn't know how the Demons could arrive there, but he knew that for the Demons to arrive at Braxtein, something bad was going to happen and must have happened. There was no way such a highly secured city as Braxtein let this just happen.

Having the same thought as Iliana—it wasn't the time to dilly-dally—he immediately turned his head to his Master along with her. They were about to urge Basil to move, but they turned silent the moment they looked at his calm smile.

'Master... He knew it was going to happen.'

'This guy...'