The Change of Flow (2)


When the horn was blown, everyone who had been chasing for the retreating Demons stopped in their track. The horn was the signal to retreat, so upon hearing it, all of them immediately regrouped with the others and retreated orderly.

Confusion, bewilderment, and joy filled their eyes as they ran back to the camp. They had been fighting for a week nonstop, and they didn't expect the day where they had to retreat after the Demons did first would ever come.

"Uwahh!!! Glory for the humanity!"

"Royal Army! Royal Army!"

"God bless the young Heroes!"

"Long live the Kingdom!"

They were simply overjoyed by their very first victory. They had always thought the war was a hopeless one, and they were only there to stall for time.

They had expected themselves to all die in the battlefield, and never had they thought, even once, they would win the war. They had fully believed their fate was amount to a cannon fodder, whose sole task was slowing down the Demons until the backup came.