The Change of Flow (End)

Basil blinked his eyes lightly at Iliana's unexpected display of Spell mastery. He knew that using [Teleportation] that way was already achievable for the current her, but he didn't expect her to already master it.

For normal Mages, casting [Teleportation] while still being a Fifth Circle Mage alone was already a hard work. For Iliana who had five Grand Circles however, it was nothing but a breeze to her ... That is, if she just cast it normally.

What Iliana had displayed, however, was similar to what only senior Sixth Circle Mages could do. One didn't just cast [Teleportation] like her; a certain degree of mastery towards said Spell was needed.

For those who didn't know Iliana's identity as a genius on top of being a Pacifer, this was highly shocking—an unprecedented event. However for Basil, who knew of her insane comprehension ability towards Magic, it was not that shocking.