Heating Up (4)

Charles looked at the empty spot that had been previously occupied by Chester silently in wonder. He was surprised by what Chester had done as much as he was annoyed at himself for being fooled twice.

Once again, figuring out what Chester had done wasn't hard for him; he only needed a couple of seconds to do that. What Chester had done was very simple, and it really surprised how it had still managed to fool him.

Apparently, Chester wasn't as carefree as he looked. Just like him, Chester was an extremely cautious person whose cautiousness could cause many people to call him paranoid.

Due to his cautiousness, just right before entering Southevile, Chester had set a [Teleportation Point] as a precaution to increase his chance of survival if something that wasn't wanted to happen happened.

Charles didn't know how a new Fifth Circle Mage could already possess that level of mastery over [Teleportation] Spell, but he attributed it to Chester's genius.