
As Basil looked at the heated gaze being traded between Iliana and Diana, he quirked his eyebrow in interest, and decided to intervene.

He needed to hear about some things that he might have missed from the people gathered there, so he didn't want Iliana to waste the time he could use to gather information by having an unnecessary staredown contest with Diana.

"It is fancy meeting you here, Viscountess Diana." Basil smiled politely. "Never have I expected myself to be able to see the Valkyrie of Chilston this soon."

"Oh my, you don't have to be that formal. Just call me by my name." As he had expected, Diana immediately ignored Iliana's gaze. "Also, how do you think I look in my armor? Have I lost my charm because of them?"

"You look just as stunning as you are in your normal outfit, Diana."

"Awh, that is very sweet of you. Thank you."

"That was just me showing some courtesy. There is nothing to be thanked for."