Find, He Doth Not; Make, He Doth (3)

Basil and the others had arrived at BA-32, however they were still inside a collapsed Dungeon. Because of this, they were running through the tunnel that led them outside.

Basil was looking around the tunnel, while also spreading his Mana Sense to check if there was any Demon inside the collapsed Dungeon.

Although Basil was sure the Demons they had killed on their way here were from Death Howl Dungeon, it didn't hurt to be extra careful. There was always a possibility that an unexpected variable might show up after all.

After knowing the real identity of Dungeons from Caesar, Basil naturally knew he couldn't find a Kinslayer, or to be exact, one of the Lord's followers inside a collapsed Dungeon.

Collapsed Dungeons were Dungeons that had served its purpose—jailing the real Kinslayers—but had also been utilized by the Demons as a way to infiltrate human's territories back in the Age of Chaos.