Retrieval (End)


Basil could hear an uncomfortably ear grating screech of Demon coming from ahead of him. He also heard rapid footsteps, indicating that it was coming at him.

He couldn't help clicking his tongue at that; the tunnel that wasn't tall enough for him to stand straightly wasn't a good place to fight. It was also not wide enough for him to fully swing his sword, so the fight would definitely be annoying.

At least, that was the case if Basil decided to engage in close range fight with the Demon. Basil was, of course, experienced enough to not do that, so he cast a Spell which he thought would be enough to blast away the Demon.

"[Air Burst]!"

It was a Spell that incorporated Fire Magic and Wind Magic. It allowed one to compress the air to reach a certain pressure, and add fire into it to create an explosion that was strong enough to blast a boulder the size of a hut.
