A Parting Gift (6)

Charles threw the mini black sun that the two black hands behind him were holding at Basil as Basil charged at him. Durendal and Caliburn shone brightly in their own unique colour, enveloping Basil with power unique to them.


As Durendal and Caliburn made a contact with the black sun, two power with the exact opposite nature clashed against each other. The world on Basil's side was enveloped in light, meanwhile the world on Charles' side was enveloped in darkness.

When Durendal and Caliburn cut the mini black sun in two, the two parts of the black sun immediately launched themselves to the sides. In a few milliseconds, the gravity of the area in front of Basil became heavier.

The force went up rapidly; Basil was forced to immediately utilize his Step Art to step back. His body was being pulled, and he was sure he would see a Dimensional Tear soon.

"Well... I would be lying if I said expected him to do that."