Wins and Losses (4)

Wearing a full set of Vanadium armour, Jerion, Goap's First Great General, looked no different from an outstanding human general. He had a black hair, an attractive face with very accentuated cheekbones, a fit physique, a height of 190 centimeters.

Looking at Lawson, who was too afraid to turn to him, with his completely black eyes, he couldn't help smirking in amusement. He was aware how overwhelming his pressure was, but he didn't expect such a cowardly display from Lawson.

"You have a quite thick aura of death surrounding you. You must have killed a lot of us back in your prime," he remarked. "Where has that courage you got back then disappeared to?"

Not even twitching, Lawson kept silent. Jerion frowned at that, and started to suspect that Lawson was up to something.

He couldn't sense Mana fluctuation from Lawson however; he wasn't sure if Lawson was really preparing something. Shrugging lightly, he eventually decided to approach Lawson.

Tap. Tap.

"I am here."