A Haunting Music

As the water that had suddenly disappeared returned in full force, the people who lived near the body of waters where Charybdis' clones appeared, began running in panic.

They weren't foreign to tsunami. They had had a tsunami before, but never was it able to harm them due to the Barrier the Kingdom had erected to hold it off.

The tsunami that was about to sweep them this time, however, was capable of such as it managed to destroy the Barrier. That indicated the tsunami didn't happen due to a natural cause, but the work of Magic.

Needless to say, the casualty it would cause would be way bigger; so, of course they were afraid. On top of that, they could also spot the Aquatic Demons which they were sure, would come out of the body of water once water filled the land.

"The chaos has started," Scylla remarked. She was looking at the scene that was unfolding in every body of water that hosted Charybdis' clones through her connection with them. "What are we going to do next, Goap?"