The Main Battle (2)


Scylla's literal fall attracted Goap's attention. He couldn't help but be curious because the sound of her fall was too small for an explosion but too loud to be dismissed.

"What the... Scylla? Wasn't she the one who told me not to underestimate humans?" Goap muttered in bewilderment. Shrugging afterwards, he said, "Well, they will sure suffer from the ire of that ancient monster."

"Do you think this is the right time to turn your eyes away?!"


Moving to the side, Goap dodged Zander's sword. The sword ended up carving a deep trench in the ground, while simultaneously cutting the Demons that were unluckily standing in its way.

Swiftly spinning his body, Goap kicked Zander. He failed, however, to hit Zander since Zander had already jumped back the moment he extended his foot.