The Main Battle (End)

His intimidating appearance aside, the aura that Goap was exuding was enough to terrify the people. The pressure he washed them with was so overwhelming, it was hard for them to keep their feet from buckling.

It was unsightly for them considering who they were—Seventh Circle Mages, Violet Core Knights, Senior Paladins, and Senior Priests—but they felt justified for being scared given how fearsome Goap currently was.

"Bollocks... Just how many people we should sacrifice to defeat this abomination." Anthony gulped dryly.

Like Anthony, the others had been excited when Basil won against Scylla; which, in turn, killed Charybdis. They had thought they should end the fight quickly, so they were pumped about killing Goap.

Given the current situation however, they weren't sure if Basil's victory would still hold any meaning in the future. They weren't ashamed to admit Goap was way beyond their level, and because of that, they were afraid to try fighting back.