Uncannily Familiar (2)

"A Professor? Me?"


"I haven't taken any examination to earn that qualification."

"That is not a problem!"

Looking at Lawson's radiant smile, Basil couldn't help humming to himself. He wondered why him becoming a Professor of Randalvine Magic Institute excited Lawson that much.

"Did the King make a certain deal with the Institute?"


At Basil's question, Lawson did a double take. He was slightly taken aback that Basil could even figure that fact out.

Regardless of how surprised he was by the fact that Basil could figure out about the deal, he didn't know what to answer the question with. He was afraid that Basil would back away after hearing the deal Anthony had made with Randalvine Magic Institute.

"It is a bit shameless, but the King promised to officially support our Institute financially if we managed to make you stay at the Institute." Lawson smiled apologetically.