After Two Years

In one of the Professor's offices in Randalvine Magic Institute, an otherworldly handsome man and an equally beautiful woman sat facing each other in a big sofa.

Both of them had a shining intricate symbol carved on their forehead. One was shining in white, meanwhile the other was shining in gold.

The man's hand was on the forehead of the woman. He was imparting the woman some knowledge regarding their Clan's Secret Art through a Magically advanced way.

The two people were none other than Basil Pacifer and Ione Pacifer. Like they always did whenever they weren't busy with their own training or work, they were sharing each other's knowledge to further strengthen themselves.

When Basil deemed he had shared enough, he immediately deactivated his Pacifer Seal. His golden irises slowly faded as they returned to their original colour—brown.