Building a Good Relationship

"Will you two immediately go home after this?"

"No. Is that some kind of an implicit way to tell we are not welcome to stay?"

"Anthony contacted me, so I want to resume our talk tonight."

Upon hearing Basil's words, Blake immediately nodded his head with a smile. He hadn't forgotten that Basil was the undisputed Supreme Genius of Braxtein, whom the King held dearly, so there was no reason for him to hold Basil back.

"That old man really knows when to disturb our time, doesn't he?" Iliana frowned as Basil stood up.

"It won't be long, I promise," Basil replied before kissing her.

Turning to Ione, Basil nodded his head lightly as his way to tell her he was entrusting Iliana to her. She nodded her head back, and that was the cue for him to leave.


He disappeared in a flash, leaving the people wondering what news would come out after the discussion he had with Anthony. They had an inkling that something big would happen soon.
